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(MySQL 5.1.51 Page 1 of 8)

Install MySQL 5.1 on Microsoft Windows

Module Introduction


This guide will step the Website Administrator through the two part process of installing MySQL 5.1 Database Software on a Microsoft Windows based Operating System. The first step of the installation is the software component which is followed by the MySql 5.1 Server Instance Setup. The Website Administrator can then confirm configuration success with a simple PHP 5.3.3 script.

MySQL 5.1, (pronounced My S-Q-L), is a popular open source Relational Database Management System (also called a Relational DBMS or RDBMS). MySql ranks among the top three open-source databases available along side PostgreSQL and SQLite. The focus of this Training Module is on the MySQL Community Edition which is available under the GNU license as a Free Download. This software download is accessible through these pages.

Although MySQL may at first look like a complex program to setup and install, it is really quite easy. You might even be surprised at the simplicity.

Further in this study guide, introductory users will be treated with a brief tutorial on Php Script Basics in order to create and view a MySql 5.1 database using PHP 5.3. The results will displayed through your HTTP server and into the Website Administrator's Web Browser. For your convenience, our PHP Script will also be available for download via the testing section.

My SQL 5.1.47, 5.1.50 & 5.1.51 with PHP 5.3.3 and Apache 2.2.16 are the releases used and tested in the creation of this installation guide.

Newer release Notes:
Thursday, 20th September, 2012
A couple of days ago, I thought I might individually install Apache 2.2.19, PHP 5.3.5 then MySql 5.5 on a DeLL Windows7 Ultimate Laptop by following the nearest installation guide available on this site and I must say, all went quite smoothly indeed. This time I used a smaller MySql .msi file [a.k.a. MySQL "Essentials" installer] which does not include the developer files so of course, if doing a custom installation, you would select all of the offered componants to install. I also remembered to turn UAC off before I installed anythng and to write down my MySql root password when at that point of the installation. These two actions avert can circumvent potential future grief and any concurrent precipitous need to source spefic neural modifiers that work on a molecular level.



On completion of this module, the Website Administrator will be familiar with the various terminology and configuration types of My SQL and have demonstrated that he is able to successfully use the .msi installer to:

  • Install the My Sql 5.1 software on a Microsoft Windows computer.
  • Configure the My Sql 5.1 Server Instance.
  • Swiftly confirm My Sql 5.1 installation has been successful
  • Create a working database using PHP 5.3.3
  • Output database data in a web browser using PHP and simple HTML.

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Preliminary MySQL 5.1 Installation Steps:

1) Important UpGrading Note
If you are upgrading to MySQL 5.1 from an older MySQL release (prior to version 4.1), you should upgrade to version 4.1 first, then upgrade the 4.1 installation to MySql 5.1. This assists in correcting possible incompatibilities (eg. Password hashing for access into an early database [link includes notes for PHP programmers]) and PHP programmers that are pre Mysql 4.1 users might also be intested in this from PHP.net - MySQL 4.1 notes: MySQLi).

2) User Account Control Settings
As Website Administrators should all be well aware of, if using Windows Vista, Server 2008 or Windows 7, updating key configurations may appear to be skipped if User Account Control (UAC) permissions are incorrectly set. UAC configuration file changes may be made in the hidden user folder C:\ProgramData which normally would be made to files in C:\Program Files, C:\Windows etc. Also, config files in this or other folders can also cause problems when re-installing software (Eg. If you have previously installed MySql 5.1.zz you might still expect a "The service could not be started. Error:0" unless these were first manually cleaned or moved). You should either know how to use UAC to grant the safest highest Privilege Levels or totally disable UAC by sliding the level controller into the Never Notify position. If you suspect UAC is causing you grief, there is a good simple UAC troubleshooting guide available from MicroSoft.com for beginning to advanced users.

3) Port: 3306
MySql uses port 3306. If you suspect a port conflict, you can see what ports are in use by going to the command prompt [in a Dos Box] and typing: netstat -n -a -b [press enter] to see which programs are using the same port(s). (This process is further described in our Apache 2.2 Installation Guide.) If this becomes an issue for you, there is an option of changing the port during setup if that is your prefered resolution. You can reconfigure this port setting at any time by restarting the MySQL 5.1 instance wizard from the Windows StartButton/All Programs/MySQL group after installation.

Two Part installation
The MySQL 5.1 installation process is in two parts. First you will select and install the software, this is followed by a couple of adverts of advanced MySQL Products and then you will have the option to configuring your mysql server instance. This is recommended.


How to use this Guide:

The Left Side Install Guide Index lists the various wizard windows you will encounter as well as other timely selections that can offer insight to questions which may arise in, around and about the installation process to give you the best set of options for your installation.

The Center (colored) column contains the MySQL 5.1 installation data and includes highlighted [red] links which give further relevant or source information regarding the subject at hand.

The Right Side Index links the WAS installation guides which are publicly available at this time. Don't forget to recommend or link to us if you have found our services of use to you.

Each page also has two Google placed advertisements and the choice to explore for exact products or services which may be of interest to those in our field.


Limitations of MySQL in Windows:

The popularity of MySQL is also due in part to it's capability in handling vast databases. There are however some limitations if you plan to serve an extremely large or busy database from a Windows based Operating System. For example; Concurrent use of over 4,000 ports will cause difficulty, Using aliases in links between data on different volumes is a no-no with MyISAM tables (i.e. in RAID etc.), Process Memory maybe capped to 2GB [in 32bit systems].

For data base use which may be very busy or very large, due diligence is required to assess what actual hardware, operating system and software requirements would best support the proposed plan. Further information is documented at MySQL 5.1 limitations in the Windows platform.

Most will have little to no major issues at all on this subject.


Copyright © 2010 Website Administration Services ™ Australia

Many Website Hosting companies offer Apache HTTP server, PHP and MySQL as a default website configuration as this trio make for a robust website backbone which is one of the most popular website setups today.

With Apache HTTP Server powering close to 112 million Webservers world-wide today and thanks to Apache and other developers, Windows users can now run this triumvirate of must have server software on their Windows computers.

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