(php 5.3.3 Page 7 of 7)
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Troubleshooting PHP 5.3.3 installation:
If on re-start your Apache HTTP server 2.2.17 crashes or gives an error, you have a problem with your PHP installation. The most likely cause is a) you have have not stepped through this guide in sequence, or b) you have selected an item to be configured during PHP setup which you have not installed and yet needs installation before you can start Apache. If you are unsure, re-start the .msi installer and check that you have understood the instructions in the section Choosing PHP 5.3.3 Items and that you have removed all items marked with an [X] (as shown in Fig. 10). These items require further installation or configuration before use. The available compiled charts are there for your use.
Apache crash caused by Installing Unsupported Items.
(Fig. 13)
If you have installed the Apache 2.2.x Module, check these following 4 lines are the last 4 lines in your httpd.conf file. This assumes your PHP install path was c:\PHP (This does not apply to those who selected Apache CGI from the PHP Web Server Setup section).
PHPIniDir "C:/PHP/"
LoadModule php5_module "C:/PHP/php5apache2_2.dll"
Other common PHP 5.3.3 setup errors to check are;
- ensure you have really read the first paragraph on this page.
- For Vista, 2008 & 7, updating key configurations may be ignored if you have not set your permissions correctly under User Account Control (UAC). Quick tips to master the User Account Control feature is discussed in this Microsoft link: User Account Control Troubleshooting Guide for Vista, 2008, R2 & Windows 7 (includes how to disable UAC).
- The above also applies to your UAC settings when you installed Apache or any other program that PHP uses and needs access to alter the configuration of.
- if you selected Apache2.2.x Module in the Web Server Setup section, check you did not edit the apache httpd.conf config file for use as apache CGI.
- "You don't have permission to access YourFileName .php on this server" an Apache-Cgi Install error when httpd.conf has not been correctly edited to point to the php-cgi.exe file (refer our section: Testing PHP 5.3.3 to correct the error).
- "The requested URL /PHP/php-cgi.exe/ YourFileName .php was not found on this server" also only occurrs when you have installed the Apache-CGI option. See httpd.conf edits referenced in our section: Testing PHP 5.3.3 (when corrected, you may then get the error in note 7. below). Also, more on this error in the 5.3.5 guide.
- "You have chosen to open..." window keeps popping up after you correctly modify your httpd.conf file. Clear the browser cache and/or rename the file and call the renamed file. eg. phpinfo.php to phpinfo01.php in your browser.
- do you have unnecessary programs running or suffer interference from your virus checker as mentioned in the section Preliminary Steps
- if updating/reinstalling, did you remove all old php.ini files before starting this install as mentioned in the section Begin PHP install setup
- step (9.) above might also require that you Google: how to set the environment path in windows and ensure any path to PHP and PHPRC are correctly aimed at the same folder you chose in the section titled PHP Destination Folder. If you found you needed to alter any of the paths at this step, you will need to bookmark this page and re-start Windows before re-testing Apache and proceeding further.
- XP users must have Service Pack 3 installed (refer: Preliminary Steps). Microsoft ended support for Windows XP SP2 & Windows Vista (with no SP) ended April 2010. New SP packs probably include the MS Genuine Advantage check.
- you can also check your apache error log in case another problem has presented itself (refer to WAS Install Guides Apache 2.2 - linked above).
- if you find your self re-starting and using the .msi installer often, don't forget to occasionally check if the apache httpd.conf file needs cleaning. Though the auto installer is self-cleaning, it slips sometimes and can leave a few too many #PHP INSTALLER EDITS remarks. Only the last pair is valid, you can remove the rest. If you do this and are using Apache CGI, repeat the Manual Edit Steps.
- is the error really Php? Check by removing all PHP additions (edits) in your httpd.conf and re-start Apache. If you installed php as a module, it is the last four lines in the .conf file only. When apache starts with out error, step through this tutorial again.
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Adding gzip compression to .html files
Trouble adding gzip compression to your web pages? You may want to review this php gzip technique for stubborn website hosts from our article archives.
Apache and Php :
If you are new to Apache and Php, you may want to review our apache install tutorial to ensure you understand the extra basics of testing and configuring apache. The steps on changing the document root will not effect your PHP configuration.
Before you start acting like this, follow the link!
Always restart Apache after configuration changes
After you have completed any edit that effects the Apache configuration, you need to restart the apache service for the changes to take effect. This includes any changes to your Php configuration made while using the Php .msi Windows Installer.
Module Completion
If you are confident with what you have learned here, then you have also gained a couple of very basic entry level skills in mastering your PHP Software. Pat your self on the back, you have completed this course module.
Formal Recognition
Did you gain an ability from this module? You can have formal recognition with your name added to our official "Installing PHP 5.3.3 on Microsoft Windows" Course Graduates page. Great for your on-line resume or as a promotional link for your business!
Examination consists of a series of true-false and multiple choice questions designed to explore your knowledge and understanding of the salient points of the requisite skills as stated in the outcomes section of this module. All graduates pass with a 100% grade. No extra cost for needing to re-sit the exam. Email now for details.
Module Length:
The website administrator has previously attained the following computer skills:
- Ability to install and configure Apache HTTP Server 2.2.x
- Ability to download an installation file and execute it.
- Ability to edit a plain text file (eg. use notepad).
- Ability to rename a folder or directory using either Windows Explorer or My Computer.
Applicable OS Platforms :
- Windows 7
- Windows 2008
- Windows Vista
- Windows 2003
- Windows XP (SP3)
- x86 family processor - All (eg. Intel, AMD)
- x64 (VC9 only) experimental release available only (VC9 x64)