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on installing PHP 5.3.5 VC9 x64


A step by step guide on how to install php 5.3.5 in Microsoft Windows

(php 5.3.5 Suppliment Page 1)

Install PHP 5.3.5 on Microsoft Windows

Compile your own PHP

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The purpose of this supplement page is to allow advanced users to locate the needed resources to compile or build, their own PHP software from official resources.

VC9 x64 version releases for apache server are currently not available.

We all also understand that XP SP3 is the oldest microsoft windows operating system we would use to install Php5.3x. (See notes at Preliminary steps from left menu for more exact info.)

Generally, only 32bit VC6 and 32bit VC9 are offered as an official supported download. But some insist on locating the resources to build their own 64bit VC8 or VC9 versions.

The last official Php Apache 5.3x VC6 compatible build released was Php version 5.3.5. (Newer version 5.2x VC6 compiled downloads remain available)

And so, because Php has seemingly ceased official VC6 5.3x compatible build releases for the official Apache-Windows download (2.2.17), some of you might like to compile your own VC6 versions of any future Php release. These are the resource pages you would use for such an endeavor.

Here you will find linked through this page the needed resources to build the following windows compatible php binaries:

32bit VC6 x86,

32bit VC8 x86,
64bit VC8 x64,

32bit VC9 x86,
64bit VC9 x64.

The different VC number designation is a reference to the compiler required to build your resource. Each VC version also requires the correct corresponding MSVCRT dynamically linked library (.dll).

VC6 requires msvcrt.dll using Microsoft Visual C++ 6 as the compiler [suits x86 architecture].

VC8 requires msvcr80.dll using Microsoft Visual C++ 8 as the compiler [suits x86 and x64 architecture].

VC9 requires msvcr90.dll using Microsoft Visual C++ 9 as the compiler [suits x86 and x64 architecture].

You would not expect a VC6 x86 compiled resource to understand all communication received from a VC9 x86 compiled resource. This is true of apache-php. Standard Apache requires VC6 x86 Php (see our apache lounge notes for more data on apache VC9).


binary-tools.zip package download

When compiling your own Php binaries, you will also be required to download the binary-tools.zip package [linked below] in addition to having access to the correct corresponding Visual C++ compiler.

(Note: As mentioned in our php guide, the links on this page to official PHP resources are currently down. Two days after the VC9 only release of the windows software [17th March 2011], PHP removed the windows source downloads from direct internet access. However, this is somewhat remedied and you may now download the current Php 5.3.6 source code files from the windows download page.

You can also now aquire the binary-tools.zip [hosted download resource for old and older Php versions] from our downloads page where we have also linked the newer package for newer versions.

Here is the source for php-5.3.5-src.zip [download link: 20Mb] via windows.php.net archives folder if you wish to compile your own 5.3.5 version.

We have also posted some related binary-tools.zip data in our blog.


Your Download Resource

This next linked page will be your starting point to download all the required data files you will need to compile your own preferred VC version. The old pecl2.php.net/downloads/php-windows-builds/php-libs/ VC directories are down (as a 404 error do don't hold your breath). This is where we used to download our binary-tools.zip You may have to make use of the vc6/9 resources above for now.


How To - Explanatory resource

If you would like a little assistance as to the procedure of compiling your package. Here are a couple of How-To pointer guides on the procedure (in case you were wondering).

a simple yet informal Php 5.3 compiling tutorial.

a simple yet more formal Php 5.3 compiling tutorial.

Either of which should get you going nicely (assuming the source code portions are all still publicly available).


Compiling a VC6 Resource

The SDK used to create all official VC6 releases and snapshots is the Windows Server 2003 Platform SDK. You can use this next link to locate and download the Windows Server 2003 Platform SDK from the MicroSoft web site.


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